Network Marketing - 网络营销

第21集: 我能做到吗?


手機:(+60) 16-8786007

You can present all the success stories in the world. You can be making all the money in the world. You can have the best products and services in the world.

But none of that matters if your prospect doesn’t see a clear path for themselves to have that success.

You must answer the question, “Can I do it?” for your prospects.

If you have pre-recorded video presentations or live zoom presentations, let them know their job is essentially to be an information tour guide… Simply guide people to the presentation and let the presentation do the selling. Our job is to simply collect decisions.

We sell… but we’re selling differently.

I LOVE helping people figure this business out and have fun doing it! Reach out to me / 联系我的方式: Phone: 6016-878 6007 / Email: / WeChat: mike6976

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