Network Marketing - 网络营销

第15集: 你必须要掌握这个技巧


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Inviting is a must-have skill if you want to grow a strong and healthy network marketing business.

Example #1: 
A non-committed person comes into our business and says something like…
“I’m going to try this out.”
They go and start talking to their warm market, saying something like…
“I’m testing something out; let me know what you think?”
Their invite is very pathetic, passive, and weak.

The ONE THING you must have when inviting people is ENERGY!

You must speak with confidence, conviction, and certainty.

“Hey John, I just launched a new business, and I’m super fired up about what I’m doing… you need to see this!”

Look at the massive difference between 1st example and my 2nd example.

If you want more people showing up for your presentations, go all in and be intentional with all your invites.

I LOVE helping people figure this business out and have fun doing it! Reach out to me / 联系我的方式: Phone: 6016-878 6007 / Email: / WeChat: mike6976

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