网络营销 - 跨境电商



但是我有愿景 (vision) 对这个生意,因为它将会对全球社区产生巨大影响力。 我们主要的职责是给予待在家里的妈妈们(超过80%的女性开始家庭式创业),或任何想要在家中开展一个生意的人去发挥他们的权力。 作为分销商或顾问,他们在社群媒体上分享以获得曝光和销售,然后就赚取佣金。

I started my business (it’s a network marketing business, an e-Commerce, a Cross Border e-Commerce) right out of my own home in 2015 with nothing else (I didn’t bring anyone to new venture, I only bring my skills over), but a vision of how this could greatly impact the global community. Our primary role was to empower stay home mothers (over 80% are women in the home based business), or anyone who wants to start a business from their home. As a distributor or a consultant, they share on social media to get the exposure and sales, they earn commission.
Although $100 may seemed small to most of us, that could mean a lot to someone, having extra money to pay bills, having extra money to buy foods or having extra funds in the rainny days (emergency).
Today we are operating in over 70++ countries, this year January (2019) we officially launching into China market, the world largest chinese market. We are seeking further to share this business opportunity.
Type yes below, I will show you how to start instantly to earn money.

欢迎与我联系,网络营销生意是一个以团队的形式发展您的业务。我有生意超过10年的经验在这个网络营销专业,努力的付出建立一个全职的事业以及建立一个收入的管道,建立一个属于我的人生生活方式。 这些的改变来自于做出简单的努力,不需要你的很多时间,就是我与你展示如何赚取额外$500 – $1000 的每月收入。“如果你想要成为富有,就要为被动收入工作。”,我正在寻找共同思维的事业伙伴一起建立这个网络营销事业。 很期待能在网络营销生意看到你,一起合作!

Mike Wong


I LOVE helping people figure this business out and have fun doing it! Reach out to me / 联系我的方式: Phone: 6016-878 6007 / Email: / WeChat: mike6976

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